Georg Boekhoff
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Born 1865-08-26 in Ammersum / Filsum (D) to Hinrich Boekhoff and Hiske Janssen Specht.
Source: Die Familien der Kirchengemeinde Filsum (1716-1900)
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add a child to this relationship Married 1886-03-26 in Filsum to Wempke Nannen Wempen. Children from this relationship:
Ahlrich Boekhoff (M) Born 1898-05-18 Heye Boekhoff (M) Born 1901-01-31 Alina Boekhoff (F) Born 1904-02-01 Georg Boekhoff (M) Born 1906-04-18 Wilhelm Boekhoff (M) Born 1908-06-13