Ubbina Janssen Heibült (Heubült)
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Born 1810-01-06 in Schwerinsdorf (D). Died 1886-05-15, buried in Loga (D).
Source: Die Familien der Kirchengemeinde Loga (1728-1900) & Die Familien der Kirchengemeinde Hesel (1643-1900)
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add a child to this relationship Married 1835-04-25 in Hesel to Thooms Habbert Thoomssen Boekhoff. Children from this relationship:
Habbert Thoomssen Boekhoff (M) Born 1836-01-24 Johann Boekhoff (M) Born 1838-04-12 Peter Boekhoff (M) Born 1840-10-07 Hermannus Brinkmann Boekhoff (M) Born 1842-12-13 Frauke Boekhoff (F) Born 1845-08-02 Trientje Boekhoff (F) Born 1849-04-03 Rieke Thoomssen Boekhoff (M) Born 1852-10-31