Hempe Eilers Zimmerman(n)
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Born 1763-02-16 in Leer (D). Died 1821-09-07, buried in Leer (D).
Source: Die Familien der ev.-luth. Kirchengemeinde Leer (1674-1900)
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add a child to this relationship Married 1792-11-21 in Leer to Johann (Jan) Boekhoff. Children from this relationship:
Johann Oltman Boekhoff (M) Born 1793-10-20 Matje Boekhoff (F) Born 1795-08-27 Talea Boekhoff (F) Born 1796-01-27 Sohn Boekhoff (M) Born 1797-02-28 Sohn Boekhoff (M) Born 1798-03-04 Johann (Jan) Boekhoff (M) Born 1801-02-02